Tuesday, 19 March 2013

Tuesday Gym

Had to work through lunch again, but managed to hit the gym later in the afternoon. Going at 2:10 instead of between 12-1 is so nice, the gym was practically empty! Started the main part with squats in order to test out my knee, and I didn't do all of the other lower body exercises as I didn't want to push it too soon, but my knee feels fine so I'll be back to the full session on Friday and I'll hit the track tomorrow. In other gym related news, I managed 18 pull ups on my first set which is the most I've done in one go, and I was quite surprised by this as I didn't do the pull ups first like I usually do, however I couldn't carry on the higher reps than usual. Also, pretty proud of my loaded press up numbers as I increased the load to 15kg.

Warm up:

1 * 15 Internal Shoulder rotations (7kg) - per arm
1 * 15 External Shoulder rotations (7kg) - per arm
2 * 15 Single leg raised Glute Bridge - per leg
1 * 12 Press up holds (4 seconds)
1 * 12 Body weight squats

Main routine:

3 * 8 Squats (50kg, 60kg, 70kg) (increased slowly to test my knee)
4 * Max Pull ups (18, 10, 10, 11)
{3 * 8 Standing Dumbell Push Press (2 x 10kg)
3 * 8 Seated row (64kg)}
{4 * Max  weighted press ups (15kg *increase*) (23, 20, 15, 19)
4 * 8 Double Leg Swiss Ball Hamstring curls (55cm swiss ball) (*1 more set, double legs instead of single*)}
4 * 30s Dynamic Plank

Warm down:

Hip abductor stretching
Hamstring stretching
Hip flexors stretching
Foam rolling

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