Tuesday, 17 December 2013

Last week's fitness

Last Thursday went to yoga again. Pretty good session with a lot of 4 way hip mobility work which fits in nicely with the gym sessions and the advice from Tim Morrill. Apparently the instructor has something tough planned for my last session, so I'm looking forward to that this week.

Friday Gym

Had the office Xmas meal last Thursday, so when I hit the gym the day after I was partially working off the food, and partially trying to wake up (I most definitely 100% wasn't hungover). Still managed to do a full session and I felt so much better for going (even though before hand I had been debating just skipping it).

I did the altered session 2 as part of my new plan.

Warm up

Medium pace short run
Internal/External Shoulder Rotations (1*15 @ 8kg)
4 way hip stretching
SMR (Foam Rolling and Hockey Balling)

Main Session

1. Single arm Kettlebell swings (3 * 10 / arm @ 12kg *new*)
2. Yoga Table (3 * 10 deep breaths)
3. Front Plank + Side Plank (3 * 5 deep breaths on front and each side *new*)

1. Single Leg Deadlifts (3 * 10 / leg @ 12kg)
2. Chin Ups (3 * 5)
3. Wide Leg Push up taps (3 * 10)

1. Skater squats (3 * 10 / leg @ 2.5kg)
2. Lateral Bound + Stick (3 * 6)
3. Single Arm Dumbell Press (3 * 10 / arm @ 10kg)

Warm Down

4 way hip stretching
Hamstring stretching

This session wasn't as changed as session 1.

Sunday Mixed Winter League 2 with Bear Cavalry

Another really strong day for Bear Cav. Despite missing Dave Tyler we still won all our games by scores of 13-4, 13-2 and 13-4 (I think) against Scarefarians, PAF and Shiny Happy Meeple.
Scarefarians were pretty short handed but played hard and put up a good fight.
PAF had managed to take a scalp against Thundering Herd in their first game, but we overmatched them and managed to beat them with not a lot of resistance.
Shiny Happy Meeple had picked up a couple of Clapham players, but that didn't stop us taking the half 7-0. They had a run after half, but we finished off the game after rallying our offence.

Tuesday Gym 17th Dec'

Warm up

Medium pace short run
Internal/External Shoulder Rotations (1*15 @ 8kg)
4 way hip stretching
SMR (Foam Rolling and Hockey Balling)

Main Session

1. Dumbell Snatch (3 * 5 / arm @ 15kg *increase*)
2. Yoga Bridge (3 * 10 deep breaths)
3.  Swiss Ball Rollouts (3 * 10)

1. Single Leg Deadlifts (3 * 10 / leg @ 12kg)
2. Dumbell Row (3 * 10 / arm @ 15kg *increase*)
3. Dead bug series (3 * 5 / leg / movement)

1. Rear foot elevated Split squats (3 * 10 / leg @ 30kg)
2. Single Leg Plate Hop + Stick (3 * 6 / leg)
3. Single Arm Kettlebell Curl to Overhead Press (3 * 5 / arm @ 12kg *new*)

Warm Down

4 way hip stretching
Hamstring stretching


I had forgotten to replace the Single arm dumbell overhead presses with the Single arm Kettle Bell curl to Overhead presses last week so they were put in today.

Plan for the rest of this week is:
Gym Wednesday
Yoga Thursday
and Surrey Slingfest Indoors tournament this weekend.

I also finish my current job next Monday. I will have time off for Christmas (both work, and fitness to an extent) and I start my new job on January 2nd 2014.
A benefit of my new job is free gym membership, so hopefully I'll be able to set that up pretty soon after starting my new job and I won't be missing the gym for too long.

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