Played some indoors on Sunday...
Monday and Tuesday didn't get any fitness done, but I finally re-signed up to a gym on Tuesday after a two weeks without gym membership. Signed up to fitrooms near my office, who gave me a good deal (though I will be getting it free from July through work), and they have some really good facilities for an independent gym. I went there today and it felt good to be back in the gym after two weeks off.
Warm up:
Medium pace short run
Internal/External Shoulder Rotations (1*15 @ 8kg)
4 way hip stretching
SMR (Foam Rolling and Hockey Balling)
Main Session:
1. Single arm Kettlebell swings (3 * 10 / arm @ 16kg *increase*)
2. Yoga Table (3 * 10 deep breaths)
3. Swiss Ball Plank (3 * 10 deep breaths)
1. Single Leg Deadlifts (3 * 10 / leg @ 16kg *increase*)
2. Chin Ups (3 * 5)
3. Wide Leg Push up taps (3 * 10)
1. Skater squats (3 * 10 / leg @ 5kg)
2. Lateral Bound + Stick (3 * 6)
3. Single Arm Kettlebell Curl to Overhead Press (3 * 5 / arm @ 12kg)
Warm Down
4 way hip stretching
Hamstring stretching
Will do the Bear Cav core routine Thursday, hit the gym again Friday, and do the core session on Saturday and Sunday as well. It felt good to be back in the gym.
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