Thursday, 24 April 2014

12th-24th April

Been a busy, but relaxed time since my last post.
The 12th/13th was MT2 which Bear Cav won and went undefeated at again. Typical Nottingham wind, but a good tournament again. Felt I played alright, much better than the Saturday at MT1 but not quite as well as the Sunday from MT1. Was hampered by an injury to my right foot which came when I caught the first point in our first game, and left me in a bit of pain for the rest of the weekend, and hasn't fully healed yet.
Fitness since then has been:
14th: Stretching/SMR
15th: Gym
16th-18th: Off/Holiday
19th/20th: Ka-Pow! Training
21st: Off/Holiday
22nd: Ill
23rd: Gym
24th: Gym

The gym on the 15th was a combination of the two different sessions as I knew I'd only be doing one session in that week. As follows:

Warm up:
SMR (Foam Rolling and Hockey Balling)
Strength band exercises
4 way hip stretching

Main Session:

1. KB Swing (3 * 10 / arm @ 18kg )
2. Medicine ball Russian Twists (3 * 10 on each side @ 9kg)
3.  Straight Arm Plank Row (3 * 5/arm @ 5kg)

1. Single Leg Deadlifts (3 * 5 / leg @ 18kg)
2. Dumbell Y Press (3 * 10 @ 5kg/arm / 6kg/arm)
3. Push up Taps (3 * 10)

1. Skater squats (3 * 10 / leg @ 4kg)
2. Single Leg Plate Hop + Stick (3 * 6 / leg)
3. Single Arm Kettlebell Curl to Overhead Press (3 * 5 / arm @ 12kg)

Warm Down

4 way hip stretching
Hamstring stretching

I changed up my gym routines again, starting this week to continue to build my program, based on Morrill Performance programs and foundations.

23rd Gym

Warm up:
SMR (Foam Rolling and Hockey Balling)
Strength band exercises
4 way hip stretching

Main Session

1. Barbell Hang Power Clean (3 * 5 @ 25kg *new*)
2. Medicine ball Russian Twists (3 * 10 on each side @ 9kg)
3.  Straight Arm Plank Row (3 * 5/arm @ 5kg)

1. Single Leg Deadlifts (3 * 5 / leg @ 18kg)
2. Dumbell Y Press (3 * 10 @ 6kg/arm)
3. Dead bug series (3 * 10 / leg / movement)

1. Rear foot elevated Split squats (3 * 10 / leg @ 30kg / 30kg)
2. Single Leg Plate Hop + Stick (3 * 6 / leg)
3. Single Arm Kettlebell Curl to Overhead Press (3 * 5 / arm @ 10kg / 12kg)

Warm Down

4 way hip stretching
Hamstring stretching

Gym 24th

Warm up
SMR (Foam Rolling and Hockey Balling)
Strength band exercises
4 way hip stretching

Main Session

1. Single arm Kettlebell swing to snatch (3 * 10 / arm @ 12kg *new*)
2. Medicine Ball Russian Twists (3 * 10/side @ 9kg)
3. Swiss Ball Plank *feet on ball* (3 * 10 deep breaths *new*)

1. Single Leg Deadlifts (3 * 5 / leg @ 18kg)
2. Chin Ups (3 * 5)
3. Wide Leg Push up taps (3 * 10)

1. Skater squats (3 * 10 / leg @ 4kg)
2. Lateral Bound + Stick (3 * 6)
3. Dumbell Y Press (3 * 10 @ 5kg /arm)

Warm Down

4 way hip stretching
Hamstring stretching

The routines are still hitting all the same areas, but some of the exercises have been swapped to the next progression in that line of strength training. I wanted to start with low-ish weights in these new exercises to properly focus on getting the technique right.

Ka-Pow! Training

Last weekend's full weekend session was really good, and the sessions continue to be well attended and continue to provide benefits to the players and progression within the systems.

I am hitting Yoga for the first time in two weeks tomorrow and this Saturday there's another Ka-Pow! Ultimate session, though it will likely be on a smaller scale due to Uni Nationals.

I will try to keep this blog more up to date in the coming weeks. For now, I'd like to link you to my work with theShowGame around the Mixed Tour so far: #UKUMT1 Preview#UKUMT2 Preview (Smatt v Matt) and #UKUMT2 wrapup. I will be continuing to write for them about the Mixed scene throughout the year, with more pieces coming up in the buildup to WUCC2014!

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