An undefeated domestic season is a great and rare accomplishment for an ultimate team and I'm really proud to have been a part of Bear Cav this year. I just wish I was able to go to Windmill with them to get some more competition in.
I've not updated the blog in a while, so here's what's happened.
26th April: Ka-Pow! Session
28th April: 3 Miles Cycling
29th April: 10 Miles Cycling + Gym (Routine 1)
30th April: 9 Miles Cycling
1st May: Gym (Routine 2)
2nd May: 7 Miles Cycling
5th May: Gym (Routine 1)
6th & 7th May: 7 Miles Cycling
8th May: 3.5 Miles Cycling + Gym (Routine 2)
9th May: 3.5 Miles Cycling
10th & 11th May: MT3
12th May: 3.5 Miles Cycling
13th May: 7 Miles Cycling + Gym (Routine 1)
14th May: 7 Miles Cycling + Gym (Routine 2)
Routine 1: 29th April / 5th May / 13th May
Warm up:
SMR (Foam Rolling and Hockey Balling)
Strength band exercises
4 way hip stretching
Main Session
1. Dumbell Snatch (on 29th April) (3 * 5 @ 18kg) / Hang Power Cleans (on 5th & 13th May) (3 * @ 30kg / 40 kg)
2. Medicine ball Russian Twists (3 * 10 on each side @ 10 / 12 / 16 kg)
3. Straight Arm Plank Row (3 * 5/arm @ 6 / 8 / 8 kg)
1. Single Leg Deadlifts (3 * 5 / leg @ 18 / 20 / 20kg)
2. Dumbell Y Press (3 * 10 @ 6 / 8 / 8 kg/arm)
3. Dead bug series (3 * 10 / leg / movement)
1. Rear foot elevated Split squats (3 * 10 / leg @ 32 / 36 / 36 kg)
2. Single Leg Plate Hop + Stick (3 * 6 / leg)
3. KB Swing + KB Snatch (3 * 5 Swings + 10 Snatches / arm @ 12kg)
Warm Down
4 way hip stretching
Hamstring stretching
Routine 2: 1st May / 8th May / 14th May
Warm up:
SMR (Foam Rolling and Hockey Balling)
Strength band exercises
4 way hip stretching
Main Session:
1. KB Swing + KB Snatch (3 * 5 Swings + 10 Snatches / arm @ 12kg)
2. Russian Twists (3 * 10 on each side @ 10 / 12 / 16kg)
3. Swiss Ball Plank *feet on ball* (3 * 10 deep breaths)
1. Single Leg Deadlifts (3 * 5 / leg @ 18 / 20 / 20kg)
2. Chin Ups (3 * 5)
3. Wide Leg Push up taps (3 * 10)
1. Skater squats (3 * 10 / leg @ 4 / 4 / 8 kg)
2. Lateral Bound + Stick (3 * 6)
3. Dumbell Y Press (3 * 10 @ 6 / 8 / 8 kg /arm)
Warm Down
4 way hip stretching
Hamstring stretching
I know I said this in the last post and then didn't do anything for ages, but I'm really going to start blogging again more regularly.
Starting with a Fog Lane Cup preview, coming Friday before the Fog Lane Cup with Ka-Pow! Ultimate this weekend!
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