Friday, 18 May 2012

Fog Lane Preview

Gym routine today (didn't have too much time):
5 minute cycle
3 * 10 bench press (45kg)
1 * 10 barbell upright row (20kg), 2 * 10 barbell upright row (30kg)
3 * 10 laterall pull downs (45kg)
2 * 10 shoulder press (23kg), 1 * 10 shoulder press (33kg)

No squats or other leg exercises as I didn't want to aggravate my knee.

Now on to the Fog Lane cup.
Hosted by Chevron Action Flash (based in Manchester) and named after their Manchester Training ground (Fog Lane) we are headed to just outside Bristol this weekend...

Schedule for Saturday looks like this:
First game against Leeds: This should be a good tough game to get us into the weekend. There shouldn't be any easy games as this will be a warm up for Open tour 1 next weekend. Leeds have been finishing in the 6-12 sort of area for the last couple of years but have plenty of experience coupled with some good younger players that can make them a tough opponent for any team.
Second game against DED: This should be a good rematch of the Final of the one day tournament in Thame, hosted by DED. In that game we won in sudden death to win the tournament and stay undefeated. I'm sure DED will be looking forward to exact some revenge.
Then after a break we have our third game against Clapham: This game will be a solid test to see how far we've come since the inception of Ka-Pow! For anyone that doesn't know, Clapham are THE powerhouse of UKUltimate. National champions for the last 10 years running, consistently winning Tours and forming the basis of GB teams. This will be a true measure of our team and I'm very much looking forward to it.
Game 4 and the last game of Saturday is against Fire 2: Despite this being a second team, this should also be another hard test. Fire 2 finished as high as fifth at Tour and never dropped below 9th place.

First game of Sunday is against Reading: A slight unknown quantity, they would appear to be out of their depths at this tournament with their highest Tour finish from last year as 26th and not gaining a Nationals spot. Still not a game to be taken lightly, Reading are entering under a new name into competitions this year and appear to be looking to take the next step. They entered this tournament for a reason so we will see what happens I guess.

After that, the pool stages are over and, based on whether you finished 1st/2nd, 3rd/4th or 5th/6th in your pool, you play a semi and a final to determine your finishing position.

I know it's still early in the season, but, with the aim for Ka-Pow! being to qualify for Europeans, we should be aiming for a top 4 finish this weekend. That would give us a bit more confidence going into the Tours and is where we want to finish, come August in Southampton at Nationals.

Let's go to work!

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