Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Time to step up!

The last few weeks I've been a little quiet on the fitness front with injury and illness. Luckily I was still able to step up at Tour 1, but I was still absolutely exhausted even though I only played one day.
I started this blog so I could keep an eye on my fitness and ultimate performance. I also felt that by writing posts it would keep the pressure on myself not to slow up, which up until now I felt it's done. Just think it's time to step up to make the most of this season.

Monday- 2 miles cycling
Tuesday- 4.2 miles cycling and Kapow training.

At Kapow midweek we ran a short warmup after some throwing, then moved on to running some drills practicing the offensive patterns. This was because we didn't always connect on our deep shots at Tour 1 running from the patterns. The drill went well but everyone agreed that it would different with defenders in game situations.
We then moved on to our endzone play, which was another area that we didn't do so well on at Tour 1. We played it with defense and generally it went well, but again would be very different in game situations.
Lastly we played some mini (3 on 3) with 1 point per swing scored on a completed scoring pass. This was good for breaking the mark but we could have had harder marks at times. This is another thing we will be working on in the future.
Good training though.

Today will be cycling 3 miles and going to the gym.

EDIT: So Anna wasn't feeling great tonight so we've postponed our weekly gym session this week.

Will do 3 lots of the following core work:

1 minute plank
1 minute side plank right
1 minute side plank left
10 sit ups
10 Thoracic Spine Mobilization Exercise on both sides (info here)

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