Tuesday, 8 May 2012

Ka-Pow Bank Holiday Training

All day training for Ka-Pow on the bank holiday Monday.
Was more of a walkthrough of the remaining elements of the offense, as well as a zone that we will be using this season.
We did have a bit of a mare in one of the drills/walkthroughs though, so we were made to do punishments just before lunch (much better than just after). This was the same punishment as during one of the Tuesday night sessions and went as follows:

Once you got a hand block in this drill you finished that set and then were out of the punishments.

5 press ups -> 40 yard sprint -> 5 press ups -> (in groups of three) 3 man break mark drill until someone gets a hand block -> 5 press ups -> 40 yard sprint back to start- > repeat

Last time, there were only 6 people and I managed to get the second hand block. Unfortunately, this time there were 13 people running it and I was in the last group of three (I did get the last hand block so I wasn't in the bottom two but I did just as many press ups and sprints as them). About half way through, it was introduced that the three in the break mark drill would do 5 press ups for a turnover that wasn't a hand block as well. All in all I probably did around 75 press ups and 8 40 yard sprints. Was pretty tired after that, but luckily with lunch to recover, I was fine for the rest of the training session.
Final parts of the offense are now set, looking forward to playing them. The zone looks like it will be tough to play against if we get it right, but requires a lot of movement and a lot of thinking, so will be tough to get it completely right.

Good session and luckily didn't rain all day.

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