Monday: Rest and bought protein powder and a protein shake bottle, isotonic tablets and energy tablets for the weekend.
Tuesday: 5 Miles cycling
Wednesday: 5 Miles cycling, Gym (below) and play book study
Warm up:
1 * 15 Internal Shoulder rotations (7kg) - per arm
1 * 15 External Shoulder rotations (7kg) - per arm
2 * 15 Single leg raised Glute Bridge - per leg
1 * 12 Press up holds (2 seconds)
1 * 12 Body weight squats
Foam rolling
Main routine:
{4 * 5 Pull ups (hands forward/wide grip)
3 * 8 Standing Dumbell Push Press (2 x 5 kg)
3 * 8 Lateral Step ups (12kg) - per leg}
3 * 8 body weight Squats on a wobble board
{3 * 8 Seated row (64kg)
3 * 8 Bulgarian Split squats (2 * 10 kg) - per leg}
4 * 30s Plank
3 * 8 Single Leg Swiss Ball Hamstring curls (55cm swiss ball)}
Warm down:
Hip abductor stretching
Hamstring stretching
Hip flexors stretching
Foam rolling
A reduced session today for the week before the first big open tournament this year
The rest of the week:
Thursday: 6 Miles cycling, Yoga and playbook study
Friday: 6 Miles cycling, food shopping for the weekend and playbook study