Thursday, 23 May 2013

I'm still here...

Mixed Tour 3 left me drained. Losing 5 of 6 games, most of which were frustrating losses for one reason or another is disappointing. Further to this, having played well in most of those games, by the end of the weekend I was feeling apathetic. Monday morning was tough. I haven't felt that tired in a long time.
This was not how I wanted to be feeling for the build up to the Open Tour season.
Last week at work was tough, but I managed to get my regular exercise routine done.
This week, on top of feeling drained, I have had to work through lunch and stay late on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.

Luckily, today is a great combination of being the first day that I will have a lunch break and also the first day this week that I haven't felt physically drained.

It's not like I was idle Monday to Wednesday, I still cycled 6 miles each day. Today I will use my lunch break to go to Yoga as it's not high intensity but will still be beneficial.

I want to be able to put my all in this weekend at Ka-Pow's last training weekend before the Open Tour season so I will not be going to the gym on Friday.
Next week, I will have bank holiday Monday off, and I will be going to the gym on Wednesday, going to Yoga on Thursday and resting on Friday.

It's almost Open Season!

1 comment:

  1. We still like to read your detailed MT3 tour report...
