Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Saturday Ka-Pow! Training and Tuesday Gym

Good session on Saturday focussing on dump play and resets from all positions on the field, as well as some fitness work and cutting technique work. Lower attendance than we would have hoped so we will be repeating the session this Saturday morning before the Fog Lane warm up tournament.

Today's gym session:

Warm up:

1 * 15 Internal Shoulder rotations (7kg) - per arm
1 * 15 External Shoulder rotations (7kg) - per arm
2 * 15 Single leg raised Glute Bridge - per leg
1 * 12 Press up holds (3 seconds)
1 * 12 Body weight squats
Foam rolling

Main routine:

{4 * 5 Pull ups (hands forward/shoulder width)
4 * 5  Pull ups (hands forward/wide grip)
3 * 8 Standing Dumbell Push Press (2 x 12.5 kg)}

{3 * 8 Seated row (64kg)
3 * 8 Lateral Step ups (12.5kg) - per leg}

{3 * 8 Squats (90 kg)
3 * 8 Bulgarian Split squats (15 kg) - per leg}

{4 * 20 weighted press ups (5kg)
4 * 30s Dynamic Plank
3 * 8 Single Leg Swiss Ball Hamstring curls (55cm swiss ball)}

Warm down:

Hip abductor stretching
Hamstring stretching
Hip flexors stretching
Foam rolling

Was feeling a bit ill this morning but tried to power through. Felt tired when it got to the end, which is why I did 4 * 20 weighted pressups instead of 4 * Max.

On a course for work on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday this week so I won't be at Yoga on Thursday or in the Gym on Friday. Will hit the track tomorrow evening and will be cycling Wed-Fri though, so should be a bit rested for Fog Lane.

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