Monday, 22 July 2013

Last week

Last week unfortunately proved to be a little more relaxed than I originally planned. However, I still feel it was a beneficial week.
Wednesday evening I got in a good hour of throwing and Thursday I did Yoga.
Friday I had planned to go to the gym, but I woke up on Friday morning with a stiff neck. I didn't want to chance anything with training on the Saturday so I missed the gym on Friday and just did more throwing practice on Friday evening.

Saturday training was great in most aspects. We had a large number of our squad there despite players missing through world Under 23s, and everyone was focussed and putting in a lot of effort. However, the ground was unbearably hard and with it being the week after Tour 3 we were wary of pushing players too hard to the point of injury.
We got a lot out of practice and trained in some of the fundementals of our offence, as well as areas of our game which had been weakest at Tour three and throughout the season. We then played a few games of 5-Pull. This was encouraging in that our D-Line was playing just as well on both sides of the disc as they had been doing at Tour 3 when they had been fantastic all weekend. The O-Line had decided to exclusively play a new formation which we hadn't trained before or used at any tournaments and currently isn't in our playbook. It was limited in it's effectiveness, though I'd say considering it was the first run through of it, and that our D-Line was still on fire. Also, half the turns from our offense came from miscued throws or subtleties of the new formation which we were practicing for the first time. I think it will be a nice new look for our offence to throw, but will not be a major component of it.

Saturday and Sunday I was able to get in an hour of throwing on both days again. Today is just cycling and tomorrow I will hit the gym with a revised training plan.

I have also just had my mid-season review conversation with Pichler and have just been given my areas for improvement for the period between now and Regionals. Time to work hard!

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