Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Tuesday Gym

Felt pretty good at the gym today coming off the first major tournament of the year. No soreness at all in my legs which I think is due to all the fitness I've been doing, combined with rigorous stretching and warming up/down before and after games at the weekend, and the cycling I did yesterday and today which have kept my muscles supple.

Warm up:

1 * 15 Internal Shoulder rotations (7kg) - per arm
1 * 15 External Shoulder rotations (7kg) - per arm
2 * 15 Single leg raised Glute Bridge - per leg
1 * 12 Press up holds (3 seconds)
1 * 12 Body weight squats
Foam rolling

Main routine:

{4 * Max Pull ups (18, 16, 12, 10
3 * 8 Standing Dumbell Push Press (2 x 10kg)}

{3 * 8 Seated row (64kg)
3 * 8 Lateral Step ups (12kg) - per leg}

4 * Max weighted press ups (10kg) (30, 24, 24, 20

{3 * 8 Single Leg Swiss Ball Hamstring curls (55cm swiss ball)
4 * 30s Dynamic Plank}

{3 * 8 Squats (75kg)
3 * 8 Split squats (70 kg) - per leg}

Warm down:

Hip abductor stretching
Hamstring stretching
Hip flexors stretching
Foam rolling

Full Mixed Tour 1 recap will be coming later this week.

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