Thursday, 15 May 2014

Fitness 25th April - 14th May

Undefeated at Mixed Tour!!!

An undefeated domestic season is a great and rare accomplishment for an ultimate team and I'm really proud to have been a part of Bear Cav this year. I just wish I was able to go to Windmill with them to get some more competition in.

I've not updated the blog in a while, so here's what's happened.

26th April: Ka-Pow! Session
28th April: 3 Miles Cycling
29th April: 10 Miles Cycling + Gym (Routine 1)
30th April: 9 Miles Cycling
1st May: Gym (Routine 2)
2nd May: 7 Miles Cycling
5th May: Gym (Routine 1)
6th & 7th May: 7 Miles Cycling
8th May: 3.5 Miles Cycling + Gym (Routine 2)
9th May: 3.5 Miles Cycling
10th & 11th May: MT3
12th May: 3.5 Miles Cycling
13th May: 7 Miles Cycling + Gym (Routine 1)
14th May: 7 Miles Cycling + Gym (Routine 2)

Routine 1: 29th April / 5th May / 13th May

Warm up:
SMR (Foam Rolling and Hockey Balling)
Strength band exercises
4 way hip stretching

Main Session

1. Dumbell Snatch (on 29th April) (3 * 5 @ 18kg) / Hang Power Cleans (on 5th & 13th May) (3 *  @ 30kg / 40 kg)
2. Medicine ball Russian Twists (3 * 10 on each side @ 10 / 12 / 16 kg)
3.  Straight Arm Plank Row (3 * 5/arm @ 6 / 8 / 8 kg)

1. Single Leg Deadlifts (3 * 5 / leg @ 18 / 20 / 20kg)
2. Dumbell Y Press (3 * 10 @ 6 / 8 / 8 kg/arm)
3. Dead bug series (3 * 10 / leg / movement)

1. Rear foot elevated Split squats (3 * 10 / leg @ 32 / 36 / 36 kg)
2. Single Leg Plate Hop + Stick (3 * 6 / leg)
3. KB Swing + KB Snatch (3 * 5 Swings + 10 Snatches / arm @ 12kg)

Warm Down

4 way hip stretching
Hamstring stretching

Routine 2: 1st May / 8th May / 14th May

Warm up:
SMR (Foam Rolling and Hockey Balling)
Strength band exercises
4 way hip stretching

Main Session:

1. KB Swing + KB Snatch (3 * 5 Swings + 10 Snatches / arm @ 12kg)
2. Russian Twists (3 * 10 on each side @ 10 / 12 / 16kg)
3. Swiss Ball Plank *feet on ball* (3 * 10 deep breaths)

1. Single Leg Deadlifts (3 * 5 / leg @ 18 / 20 / 20kg)
2. Chin Ups (3 * 5)
3. Wide Leg Push up taps (3 * 10)

1. Skater squats (3 * 10 / leg @ 4 / 4 / 8 kg)
2. Lateral Bound + Stick (3 * 6)
3. Dumbell Y Press (3 * 10 @ 6 / 8 / 8 kg /arm)

Warm Down

4 way hip stretching
Hamstring stretching

Had another article put up on theShowGame: UKUMT3 Preview: Smatt vs Matt

I know I said this in the last post and then didn't do anything for ages, but I'm really going to start blogging again more regularly.
Starting with a Fog Lane Cup preview, coming Friday before the Fog Lane Cup with Ka-Pow! Ultimate this weekend!

Thursday, 24 April 2014

12th-24th April

Been a busy, but relaxed time since my last post.
The 12th/13th was MT2 which Bear Cav won and went undefeated at again. Typical Nottingham wind, but a good tournament again. Felt I played alright, much better than the Saturday at MT1 but not quite as well as the Sunday from MT1. Was hampered by an injury to my right foot which came when I caught the first point in our first game, and left me in a bit of pain for the rest of the weekend, and hasn't fully healed yet.
Fitness since then has been:
14th: Stretching/SMR
15th: Gym
16th-18th: Off/Holiday
19th/20th: Ka-Pow! Training
21st: Off/Holiday
22nd: Ill
23rd: Gym
24th: Gym

The gym on the 15th was a combination of the two different sessions as I knew I'd only be doing one session in that week. As follows:

Warm up:
SMR (Foam Rolling and Hockey Balling)
Strength band exercises
4 way hip stretching

Main Session:

1. KB Swing (3 * 10 / arm @ 18kg )
2. Medicine ball Russian Twists (3 * 10 on each side @ 9kg)
3.  Straight Arm Plank Row (3 * 5/arm @ 5kg)

1. Single Leg Deadlifts (3 * 5 / leg @ 18kg)
2. Dumbell Y Press (3 * 10 @ 5kg/arm / 6kg/arm)
3. Push up Taps (3 * 10)

1. Skater squats (3 * 10 / leg @ 4kg)
2. Single Leg Plate Hop + Stick (3 * 6 / leg)
3. Single Arm Kettlebell Curl to Overhead Press (3 * 5 / arm @ 12kg)

Warm Down

4 way hip stretching
Hamstring stretching

I changed up my gym routines again, starting this week to continue to build my program, based on Morrill Performance programs and foundations.

23rd Gym

Warm up:
SMR (Foam Rolling and Hockey Balling)
Strength band exercises
4 way hip stretching

Main Session

1. Barbell Hang Power Clean (3 * 5 @ 25kg *new*)
2. Medicine ball Russian Twists (3 * 10 on each side @ 9kg)
3.  Straight Arm Plank Row (3 * 5/arm @ 5kg)

1. Single Leg Deadlifts (3 * 5 / leg @ 18kg)
2. Dumbell Y Press (3 * 10 @ 6kg/arm)
3. Dead bug series (3 * 10 / leg / movement)

1. Rear foot elevated Split squats (3 * 10 / leg @ 30kg / 30kg)
2. Single Leg Plate Hop + Stick (3 * 6 / leg)
3. Single Arm Kettlebell Curl to Overhead Press (3 * 5 / arm @ 10kg / 12kg)

Warm Down

4 way hip stretching
Hamstring stretching

Gym 24th

Warm up
SMR (Foam Rolling and Hockey Balling)
Strength band exercises
4 way hip stretching

Main Session

1. Single arm Kettlebell swing to snatch (3 * 10 / arm @ 12kg *new*)
2. Medicine Ball Russian Twists (3 * 10/side @ 9kg)
3. Swiss Ball Plank *feet on ball* (3 * 10 deep breaths *new*)

1. Single Leg Deadlifts (3 * 5 / leg @ 18kg)
2. Chin Ups (3 * 5)
3. Wide Leg Push up taps (3 * 10)

1. Skater squats (3 * 10 / leg @ 4kg)
2. Lateral Bound + Stick (3 * 6)
3. Dumbell Y Press (3 * 10 @ 5kg /arm)

Warm Down

4 way hip stretching
Hamstring stretching

The routines are still hitting all the same areas, but some of the exercises have been swapped to the next progression in that line of strength training. I wanted to start with low-ish weights in these new exercises to properly focus on getting the technique right.

Ka-Pow! Training

Last weekend's full weekend session was really good, and the sessions continue to be well attended and continue to provide benefits to the players and progression within the systems.

I am hitting Yoga for the first time in two weeks tomorrow and this Saturday there's another Ka-Pow! Ultimate session, though it will likely be on a smaller scale due to Uni Nationals.

I will try to keep this blog more up to date in the coming weeks. For now, I'd like to link you to my work with theShowGame around the Mixed Tour so far: #UKUMT1 Preview#UKUMT2 Preview (Smatt v Matt) and #UKUMT2 wrapup. I will be continuing to write for them about the Mixed scene throughout the year, with more pieces coming up in the buildup to WUCC2014!

Friday, 11 April 2014

April so far (1st-11th)

Brief rundown of fitness as I've been pretty busy recently.
1st: Gym
2nd: Gym
3rd: Off
4th: Yoga
5th: Track
6th: Ka-Pow! Training
7th: Gym
8th: Track
9th: Gym
10th: Off
11th: Off

Mixed Tour 2 with Bear Cavalry is this weekend.

Gym (1st / 7th)
Warm up:
SMR (Foam Rolling and Hockey Balling)
Strength band exercises
4 way hip stretching

Main Session

1. Dumbell Snatch (3 * 5 / arm @ 15kg / 16kg )
2. Medicine ball Russian Twists (3 * 10 on each side @ 9kg / 9kg)
3.  Straight Arm Plank Row (3 * 5/arm @ 5kg / 6kg)

1. Single Leg Deadlifts (3 * 5 / leg @ 18kg)
2. Dumbell Y Press (3 * 10 @ 5kg/arm / 6kg/arm)
3. Dead bug series (3 * 10 / leg / movement)

1. Rear foot elevated Split squats (3 * 10 / leg @ 30kg / 30kg)
2. Single Leg Plate Hop + Stick (3 * 6 / leg)
3. Single Arm Kettlebell Curl to Overhead Press (3 * 5 / arm @ 10kg / 12kg)

Warm Down

4 way hip stretching
Hamstring stretching

Gym (2nd / 9th)
Warm up
SMR (Foam Rolling and Hockey Balling)
Strength band exercises
4 way hip stretching

Main Session

1. Single arm Kettlebell swings (3 * 10 / arm @ 18kg / 18kg)
2. Medicine Ball Russian Twists (3 * 10/side @ 9kg / 9kg)
3. Swiss Ball Plank (3 * 10 deep breaths)

1. Single Leg Deadlifts (3 * 5 / leg @ 18kg / 18kg)
2. Chin Ups (3 * 5)
3. Wide Leg Push up taps (3 * 10)

1. Skater squats (3 * 10 / leg @ 4kg / 4kg)
2. Lateral Bound + Stick (3 * 6)
3. Dumbell Y Press (3 * 10 @ 7kg /arm / 8kg/arm)

Warm Down

4 way hip stretching
Hamstring stretching

Track (5th / 8th same routine with extra exercise on park gym equipment after)

Jog 800m
Active warm-up + Stretching
3 * 40m Accelerators
300m sprint
20 push ups
Abs set: 30 Pacquiao crunches, 15 vertical scissor kicks, 15 horizontal scissor kicks
40m sprint
30s Seated running arms
30s side plank (both sides)
40m sprint
3 min rest
4 * falling starts
3 times cutting drill (6 cuts first rep, 4 cuts 2nd rep, 2 cuts 3rd rep)
200m run - 75s rest
400m run - 2 min rest
4 * 200m run - 75s rest after each rep then 3 min rest after set
400m run - 90s rest

400m jog warm down and stretching

{extra exercises on 9th - 20 * Body Weight leg press, 6 * 10 Body weight lat pulldowns (1 * each of inner/outer - forward/back/wide hands)}

Yoga was pretty good, quite a lot of back bending stuff and balancing stuff like usual.

Ka-Pow! training was also pretty good with a decent enough turnout. We worked on the open field plays and the endzone plays whilst working against some gusty wind and had some good games throughout.

Looking forward to Mixed Tour 2 this weekend, though I'm not holding my breath for Nottingham to have the forecasted (fairly good) weather.

Wednesday, 2 April 2014

24th-30th March

A good week again, though I wasn’t able to get in a track session. Pretty disappointed but still felt it was a good week fitness wise before Mixed Tour 1 and my first proper competitive outing with Bear Cavalry.
Monday – Gym
Tuesday – Gym
Wednesday – Foam Rolling/Stretchin
Thursday - Rest
Friday – Yoga
Saturday/Sunday – Mixed Tour 1

Started the week changing up my gym routine a little. Wanted to add a bit of progression in some areas. Will continue with these routines for two more weeks and will then progress a bit further again.

Monday Gym:
Warm up:
Internal/External Shoulder Rotations (1*15 / arm internal + external @ 10kg)
SMR (Foam Rolling and Hockey Balling)
Strength band exercises
4 way hip stretching

Main Session

1. Dumbell Snatch (3 * 5 / arm @ 15kg)
2. Medicine ball Russian Twists (3 * 10 on each side @ 9kg *new*)
3.  Straight Arm Plank Row (3 * 5/arm @ 5kg *new*)

1. Single Leg Deadlifts (3 * 5 / leg @ 18kg)
2. Dumbell Y Press (3 * 10 @ 5kg/arm *new*)
3. Dead bug series (3 * 10 / leg / movement)

1. Rear foot elevated Split squats (3 * 10 / leg @ 30kg)
2. Single Leg Plate Hop + Stick (3 * 6 / leg)
3. Single Arm Kettlebell Curl to Overhead Press (3 * 5 / arm @ 8kg)

Warm Down

4 way hip stretching
Hamstring stretching

Tuesday Gym
Warm up
Internal/External Shoulder Rotations (1*15 @ 10kg)
SMR (Foam Rolling and Hockey Balling)
Strength band exercises
4 way hip stretching

Main Session

1. Single arm Kettlebell swings (3 * 10 / arm @ 18kg)
2. Medicine Ball Russian Twists (3 * 10/side @ 9kg *new*)
3. Swiss Ball Plank (3 * 10 deep breaths)

1. Single Leg Deadlifts (3 * 5 / leg @ 18kg)
2. Chin Ups (3 * 5)
3. Wide Leg Push up taps (3 * 10)

1. Skater squats (3 * 10 / leg @ 4kg)
2. Lateral Bound + Stick (3 * 6)
3. Dumbell Y Press (3 * 10 @ 5kg /arm *new*)

Warm Down

4 way hip stretching
Hamstring stretching

Friday Yoga
Getting used to doing weekly Yoga again, but this was a tough session with lots of poses focussed on the legs and some balances with twists. A good session but which left my legs tired.

Mixed Tour 1
Perhaps it was a mistake to go to Yoga the day before Mixed tour, but Worlds is going to be a 5 day tournament so I’m going to have to get used to multiple days of exercise in a row. Unfortunately, I didn’t sleep particularly well the night before either and had to drive up in the morning. All this combined to make my legs feel particularly heavy from point 1. I felt my performance slightly suffering throughout the first day with tired legs leading to mental tiredness and mistakes. I still felt like my defence was quite strong, but I didn't feel at full capacity. As a team we went undefeated and handled our games fairly easily on the day though.
My personal performance on Sunday was a different story though. With the chance to properly stretch and warm down after Saturday, followed by further smr in my hotel room, a good dinner and an early night, come Sunday morning I felt refreshed. It also helped that we would only have two games on the day and didn’t have to start until midday.
The first game of the day would be our semi final against one of the Cambridge teams (the D line) and would be our toughest game of the weekend. Cambridge would be (if I remember rightly) the first team of the weekend to get a break on our O line, and played tough defence throughout, as you would expect for a team full of defensive players. However, the Bear Cavalry defence made plenty of plays as well and managed to get enough of breaks of our own, especially late to close out the game. I personally was switched late in the game to be assigned to the tall guy from the states who plays with Cambridge, and I really enjoyed that. It was the toughest coverage assignment I’d been given on the weekend and after watching him for a while from the sideline I was able to figure out what he wanted to do and put plenty of pressure on him. The first point I covered him I started deep and backed off a little as he ran towards me. I knew he wanted the deep shot but I kept in my vision the person on the disc and when I saw him turn to go under I knew the disc was going to him. I was able to lay past him to get the block and, though we didn’t score in one possession, I was able to catch the goal to end that point. I covered him a couple more times and felt I did a pretty good job throughout. He wasn’t my toughest assignment of the weekend though.
The final was against my old team, Thundering Herd. They had put in some great performances throughout the weekend, winning their group over Worlds qualifiers RGS and won a tight semi final against Bristol. They came in undefeated and confident, and during the first half really kept the pressure up, taking the first break of the game. Bear Cav were able to break back and trade out to take the half 8-7. In the second half, I was told to cover Cian as he had been controlling the Herd offense for most of the first half, both going deep and sending it deep. In the first point I was covering him, I didn’t adjust properly and he ran straight past me to catch a deep shot just outside the endzone. I was able to redeem myself by stopping the goal with a fingertip point block, and we took the first break of the second half. From there on I felt I adjusted nicely, and the rest of the d line tightened up as, when Cian did get the disc, the stall got to 9 on two occasions. Herd were not exclusively running their offense through him, and whilst they were able to move the disc still, the goals eluded them and the Bears ran in break after break. In the end we didn’t concede a point in the second half and the game finished 15-7. Whilst it was tough on me, I loved covering someone like that and will continue to relish opportunities to do so throughout the season as it can only continue my development. The season and the road to worlds has properly started now, and my next opportunity to play ultimate can’t come soon enough.

Plan for this week:
Monday – Core + Stretching + SMR – Done
Tuesday – Gym – Done
Wednesday – Gym
Thursday – Rest (edited)
Friday – Yoga
Saturday – Track + Throwing
Sunday – Ka-Pow! training

A full week this week, but I’m looking forward to it. I need to be doing everything I can to improve myself for my teams.

Monday, 24 March 2014

17th-23rd March

Another great week last week, but it was tough. Especially the start.
Monday – Gym
Tuesday – Gym
Wednesday - Track
Thursday - Rest
Friday – Yoga
Saturday – Bear Cav
Sunday – Ka-Pow!
Monday Gym:
Warm up:
Medium pace short run
Internal/External Shoulder Rotations (1*15 @ 10kg)
SMR (Foam Rolling and Hockey Balling)
Strength band exercises
4 way hip stretching

Main Session

1. Dumbell Snatch (3 * 5 / arm @ 15kg)
2. Yoga Bridge (3 * 10 deep breaths)
3.  Swiss Ball Plank (3 * 10 deep breaths)

1. Single Leg Deadlifts (3 * 10 / leg @ 16kg)
2. Dumbell Row (3 * 10 / arm @ 15kg)
3. Dead bug series (3 * 10 / leg / movement)

1. Rear foot elevated Split squats (3 * 10 / leg @ 30kg)
2. Single Leg Plate Hop + Stick (3 * 6 / leg)
3. Single Arm Kettlebell Curl to Overhead Press (3 * 5 / arm @ 12kg)

Warm Down

4 way hip stretching
Hamstring stretching

Tuesday Gym
Warm up

Medium pace short run
Internal/External Shoulder Rotations (1*15 @ 10kg)
SMR (Foam Rolling and Hockey Balling)
Strength band exercises
4 way hip stretching

Main Session

1. Single arm Kettlebell swings (3 * 10 / arm @ 18kg)
2. Yoga Table (3 * 10 deep breaths)
3. Front Plank + Side Plank both sides (3 * 10 deep breaths / front and each side)

1. Single Leg Deadlifts (3 * 10 / leg @ 16kg)
2. Chin Ups (3 * 5)
3. Wide Leg Push up taps (3 * 10)

1. Skater squats (3 * 10 / leg @ 4kg)
2. Lateral Bound + Stick (3 * 6)
3. Single Arm Overhead Dumbell Press (3 * 8 / arm @ 8kg *new*)

Warm Down

4 way hip stretching
Hamstring stretching

Wednesday Track
Followed the same Ka-Pow! routine for the second week in a row, was very tired by the end of it with my third hard day in a row, but managed to complete it in full, running the shuttles/T-Drill on the grass (which was less slippery than the gravel track).
400m run
LaX ball and Strength band exercises
4 way hip stretching

Main session
3 * 20 seconds seated sprinters arms (with 20 seconds rest between each rep)
5 * 20 yard shuttles
5 * T-drill
<3 minute break>
6 minutes of 30-second runs (run hard 30 seconds, stand 60 seconds, repeat)

<4 minute break>

300M, 90 sec rest
400M, 150 sec rest
400M, 120 sec rest
<1 minute break>
3 * (30 crunches, 15 vertical scissor kicks, 15 horizontal scissor kicks, 2 minutes rest)
Warm down run and stretching

Friday Yoga
Same instructor as the first session in the new gym, and maybe it’s because I’m getting used to yoga again but it felt the easiest of the three sessions, whilst still being more challenging than any of the yoga sessions at my previous gym. Plenty of tough poses including warrior three and lots of balance/twisting poses with a general focus on balance and legs.

Saturday Bear Cav session

This was my final session with Bear Cav before the start of the season proper and we were running a zone defence practice. It seems like a very effective zone with proper execution and I could see how it was working during the practice. I was placed as the primary deep cover which, whilst it was one of the more straightforward positions to play, meant I was responsible for communicating the positions of other defenders whilst learning the zone myself which I found pretty challenging at times. I’m really looking forward to Mixed tour next weekend as the first competitive outing (aside from Winter League) on the road to worlds!

Sunday Ka-Pow! Session

The week finished with a Ka-Pow! session, in which we were trying to build on the principles set out in the first session. We ran drills focussing on cutting patterns and dump movements on the sideline. It was a great session despite the wind and, like at the first session, there was definite improvement to the cutting patterns and team cohesion throughout the session. The quality fell during the game at the end of the session, but after a quick timeout the quality picked up again and the session finished strongly.

Monday, 17 March 2014

10th-16th March

Full week last week apart from Sunday! Very tough, especially since Saturday’s Ka-Pow! session was 6 hours long! This week promises to be even tougher; with my new bike I’ll be doing even more cycling every day (~7 miles more per day) and I have training on Saturday (Bear Cav) and Sunday (Ka-Pow!) this weekend. Therefore, I’ve decided on a loose plan for this week:
Monday – Gym ( - done!)
Tuesday – Gym, Track or rest
Wednesday - Gym, Track or rest
Thursday - Gym, Track or rest
Friday – Yoga
Saturday – Bear Cav
Sunday – Ka-Pow!
(with 2 days gym, 1 day track and 1 day rest + Yoga + Bear Cav + Ka-Pow!)
Last week went like this:
Monday Gym:
Warm up:
Medium pace short run
Internal/External Shoulder Rotations (1*15 @ 10kg)
4 way hip stretching
SMR (Foam Rolling and Hockey Balling)

Main Session

1. Dumbell Snatch (3 * 5 / arm @ 15kg)
2. Yoga Bridge (3 * 10 deep breaths)
3.  Swiss Ball Plank (3 * 10 deep breaths)

1. Single Leg Deadlifts (3 * 10 / leg @ 16kg)
2. Dumbell Row (3 * 10 / arm @ 15kg)
3. Dead bug series (3 * 10 / leg / movement)

1. Rear foot elevated Split squats (3 * 10 / leg @ 30kg)
2. Single Leg Plate Hop + Stick (3 * 6 / leg)
3. Single Arm Kettlebell Curl to Overhead Press (1 * 5 / arm @ 16kg, 2 * 5 / arm @ 14kg)

Warm Down

4 way hip stretching
Hamstring stretching

Tuesday Bear Cav Core Sessions

Core session:
Plank (40s)
Plank with knees to elbows (15 reps each knee)
Side plank (30s each side)
Short rest
Squat jumps (30s)
Leg raise and pulse (15 reps)
Hand Walkouts (10 reps to good extension)
Crunchy Frogs (25 reps)
Short rest
Lunge jumps (30s)
Mason Twists (45s)

Wednesday Gym
Warm up

Medium pace short run
Internal/External Shoulder Rotations (1*15 @ 10kg)
4 way hip stretching
SMR (Foam Rolling and Hockey Balling)

Main Session

1. Single arm Kettlebell swings (3 * 10 / arm @ 18kg *increase*)
2. Yoga Table (3 * 10 deep breaths)
3. Front Plank + Side Plank both sides (3 * 10 deep breaths / front and each side)

1. Single Leg Deadlifts (3 * 10 / leg @ 16kg)
2. Chin Ups (3 * 5)
3. Wide Leg Push up taps (3 * 10)

1. Skater squats (3 * 10 / leg @ 4kg)
2. Lateral Bound + Stick (3 * 6)
3. Single Arm Kettlebell Curl to Overhead Press (3 * 5 / arm @ 10kg)

Warm Down

4 way hip stretching
Hamstring stretching

Thursday Track
I really wanted to start hitting the track on a weekly basis again, as I find it really useful and the programme that had been sent over by some Ka-Pow! teammates looked really tough. I went over to the local athletics track nearest to my new flat. I had seen pictures and knew it was a gravelly (cinder) track rather than an artificial track. Unfortunately, this made the parts of the Ka-Pow! programme involving lots of quick direction changes a bit difficult as I didn’t want to slip over. Here’s the programme I followed:
400m run
4 way hip stretching
Main session
3 * 20 seconds seated sprinters arms (with 20 seconds rest between each rep)
2 * 20 yard shuttles (this was cut down from 5 reps due to the surface. May do this part on the nearby pavement in the future… not ideal)
5 * T-drill (5 seconds rest between each rep)
<3 minute break>
6 minutes of 30-second runs (run hard 30 seconds, stand 60 seconds, repeat)

<4 minute break>

300M, 90 sec rest
400M, 150 sec rest
400M, 120 sec rest
<1 minute break>
3 * (30 crunches, 15 vertical scissor kicks, 15 horizontal scissor kicks, 2 minutes rest)
Warm down run and stretching

Friday Yoga
Another tough session with little transition time between the poses, but with a different instructor to the first week. Whereas the previous week’s instructor focussed more on balance poses and leg muscles, this week’s session included a lot of arm and core work (with every transition between pose sets initiated with a dive bomber to cobra to downward dog). Wonder who I’ll get this week!

Saturday Ka-Pow! Session

Finally getting back into ultimate to start off the season! It was the first session with Ka-Pow! post trials and there was a great turnout from both the full squad and the training squad players. We started with an hour in the classroom going through goals for the season, a couple of admin details, team principles and ideals, and our offensive and defensive strategies including the introduction of our first three offensive plays in the playbook. After that, we began the 6 hour on pitch portion of the session with a warmup before running through the offensive plays via demonstrations and drills. Playing offense was the theme for the day with the aim being to try and get everyone used to playing with each other in the Ka-Pow! systems which were new for some of the players there. It was a great first session, and though it was frustrating at times when mistakes started to creep in, the improvement from the beginning of the session to the end in the play and the running of the offense was drastic and exciting.

Monday, 10 March 2014

3rd-9th March

Great week this week, really enjoying being a member of a gym again.

Monday Gym

Warm up

Medium pace short run
4 way hip stretching
SMR (Foam Rolling and Hockey Balling)

Main Session

1. Dumbell Snatch (3 * 5 / arm @ 15kg *increase*)
2. Yoga Bridge (3 * 10 deep breaths)
3.  Swiss Ball Plank (3 * 10 deep breaths *new*)

1. Single Leg Deadlifts (3 * 10 / leg @ 16kg)
2. Dumbell Row (3 * 10 / arm @ 15kg)
3. Dead bug series (3 * 10 / leg / movement)

1. Rear foot elevated Split squats (3 * 10 / leg @ 30kg)
2. Single Leg Plate Hop + Stick (3 * 6 / leg)
3. Single Arm Kettlebell Curl to Overhead Press (3 * 5 / arm @ 16kg)

Warm Down

4 way hip stretching
Hamstring stretching

Tuesday Gym

Warm up

Medium pace short run
Internal/External Shoulder Rotations (1*15 @ 10kg)
4 way hip stretching
SMR (Foam Rolling and Hockey Balling)

Main Session

1. Single arm Kettlebell swings (3 * 10 / arm @ 18kg *increase*)
2. Yoga Table (3 * 10 deep breaths)
3. Front Plank + Side Plank both sides (3 * 10 deep breaths / front and each side)

1. Single Leg Deadlifts (3 * 10 / leg @ 16kg)
2. Chin Ups (3 * 5)
3. Wide Leg Push up taps (3 * 10)

1. Skater squats (3 * 10 / leg @ 5kg)
2. Lateral Bound + Stick (3 * 6)
3. Single Arm Kettlebell Curl to Overhead Press (3 * 5 / arm @ 10kg)

Warm Down

4 way hip stretching
Hamstring stretching

Wednesday and Thursday Bear Cav Core Sessions

Core session:
Plank (40s)
Plank with knees to elbows (15 reps each knee)
Side plank (30s each side)
Short rest
Squat jumps (30s)
Leg raise and pulse (15 reps)
Hand Walkouts (10 reps to good extension)
Crunchy Frogs (25 reps)
Short rest
Lunge jumps (30s)
Mason Twists (45s)

Friday Yoga

Went to a yoga session at the gym I newly signed up to (listed as "Power Yoga"). It's included in the price so I'm going to try and build it back into my regime. However, the "Power Yoga" at my new gym is a much tougher session than my old instructor's Yoga sessions. I'm all for it! This session was one the toughest I've done and at a couple of points I was properly straining. The poses are mainly the same as in my previous classes, but the transitions between them are much faster with almost no time to rest and that allowed her to put in a lot of the harder poses into the same session. I still didn't feel as tired as I do after a weights session, but I sure felt it working me harder than before.

I have also been looking at other classes including Pilates and Body Tone + VIPR. If anyone has any opinion on Pilates vs Yoga or has done sessions with the VIPR tubes let me know.

Weekend off.

This week (10th-16th March) looks like this:

Monday: Gym
Tuesday: Core
Wednesday: Gym
Thursday: Track
Friday: Yoga
Saturday: Ka-Pow! 2014 Training session 1! Really looking forward to the first chance to work hard with this year's team.
Sunday: Off to recover from Ka-Pow! social on Saturday night.

Sunday, 2 March 2014

Rest of the week

Thursday Bear Cav Core Session:

Core session:
Plank (40s)
Plank with knees to elbows (15 reps each knee)
Side plank (30s each side)
Short rest
Squat jumps (30s)
Leg raise and pulse (15 reps)
Hand Walkouts (10 reps to good extension)
Crunchy Frogs (25 reps)
Short rest
Lunge jumps (30s)
Mason Twists (45s)
Skater Squats (10 reps @ 4kg)

Friday Gym:

Warm up

Short length medium paced run
4 way hip stretching
SMR (Foam Rolling and Hockey Balling)

Main Session

1. Dumbell Snatch (3 * 5 / arm @ (12.5, 15, 15)kg)
2. Yoga Table (3 * 10 deep breaths)
3.  Front and Side Plank (3 * 10 deep breaths on front and each side)

1. Single Leg Deadlifts (3 * 10 / leg @ 16kg)
2. Dumbell Row (3 * 10 / arm @ 15kg)
3. Dead bug series (3 * 10 / leg / movement)

1. Rear foot elevated Split squats (3 * 10 / leg @ 30kg)
2. Single Leg Plate Hop + Stick (3 * 6 / leg)
3. Single Arm Dumbell Press (3 * 10 / arm @ 15kg)

Warm Down

4 way hip stretching

Saturday/Sunday off

Wednesday, 26 February 2014

Sunday to Wednesday

Played some indoors on Sunday...

Monday and Tuesday didn't get any fitness done, but I finally re-signed up to a gym on Tuesday after a two weeks without gym membership. Signed up to fitrooms near my office, who gave me a good deal (though I will be getting it free from July through work), and they have some really good facilities for an independent gym. I went there today and it felt good to be back in the gym after two weeks off.

Warm up:

Medium pace short run
Internal/External Shoulder Rotations (1*15 @ 8kg)
4 way hip stretching
SMR (Foam Rolling and Hockey Balling)

Main Session:

1. Single arm Kettlebell swings (3 * 10 / arm @ 16kg *increase*)
2. Yoga Table (3 * 10 deep breaths)
3. Swiss Ball Plank (3 * 10 deep breaths)

1. Single Leg Deadlifts (3 * 10 / leg @ 16kg *increase*)
2. Chin Ups (3 * 5)
3. Wide Leg Push up taps (3 * 10)

1. Skater squats (3 * 10 / leg @ 5kg)
2. Lateral Bound + Stick (3 * 6)
3. Single Arm Kettlebell Curl to Overhead Press (3 * 5 / arm @ 12kg)

Warm Down

4 way hip stretching
Hamstring stretching


Will do the Bear Cav core routine Thursday, hit the gym again Friday, and do the core session on Saturday and Sunday as well. It felt good to be back in the gym.

Thursday, 20 February 2014

10th Feb to today

It's been a pretty hectic two weeks.
Last week was good! I was able to get in the Bear Cav core session on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday! I went to the Gym on Wednesday and had Ka-Pow! trials at the weekend! I intended to go to the gym on Friday as well, but real life caught up with me and I didn't have the time. Still a good week though.

Core session:
Plank (40s)
Plank with knees to elbows (15 reps each knee)
Side plank (30s each side)
Short rest
Squat jumps (30s)
Leg raise and pulse (15 reps)
Hand Walkouts (10 reps to good extension)
Crunchy Frogs (25 reps)
Short rest
Lunge jumps (30s)
Mason Twists (45s)
Skater Squats (10 reps @ 4kg)

Warm up

Internal/External Shoulder Rotations (1*15 @ 8kg)
4 way hip stretching
SMR (Foam Rolling and Hockey Balling)

Main Session

1. Dumbell Snatch (3 * 5 / arm @ 16kg)
2. Yoga Single Leg Bridge (3 * 10 deep breaths / leg)
3.  Swiss Ball Plank (3 * 10 deep breaths *new*)

1. Single Leg Deadlifts (3 * 10 / leg @ 14kg (DB))
2. Dumbell Row (3 * 10 / arm @ 16kg)
3. Dead bug series (3 * 10 / leg / movement)

1. Rear foot elevated Split squats (3 * 10 / leg @ 32kg)
2. Single Leg Plate Hop + Stick (3 * 6 / leg)
3. Single Arm Kettlebell Curl to Overhead Press (3 * 5 / arm @ 10kg)

Warm Down

4 way hip stretching
Hamstring stretching

For Ka-Pow! Trials, see this post.

This week (commencing 17th), real life has taken over and I've completed 0 core sessions, 0 gym sessions and I'm unfortunately having to miss Bear Cav training this Saturday with the move to the new flat. I'm not sure packing/lifting/unpacking boxes and cleaning counts as fitness, but it was sure tiring like fitness. I will try and at least get a core session in this weekend, as well as finding a new gym to try and hit twice a week starting next week and starting to cycle again.

Ka-Pow! Trials 2

The second weekend of Ka-Pow! trials went so well and I'm really excited for this season. We appear to have talent across the roster and have some great prospects on the training squad.

On Saturday we did some drills focussing on cutting patterns, did some 3 v 4 to work on defensive positioning/poaching and the offensive flow and taking open passes and played some games.
On Saturday night, we went for dinner at a Polish restaurant before hitting up a bowling alley to test the trialists' bowling skills (not taken into account in squad selections).
On Sunday the players were split into three teams and the day was taken up entirely with games between the teams. It was another tough weekend, but great fun as well.

The selections process has been tough, as there have been plenty of high quality players fighting for spots. The squad will be quite familiar to those to saw the squad list from last year, but we have some really high quality additions and in the new faces is a mixture of raw talent and experience!

This is going to be a good year, I can feel it!

Tuesday, 11 February 2014

Last week (3rd-9th Feb)

This week I felt like I was getting back into a good rhythm in terms of fitness (which will unfortunately be disrupted next week whilst I move to a new flat). Monday I did the Bear Cav core session, adding in Skater squats with some small dumbells I have in the flat. I learned about Skater squats when I attended the Morrill Performance/Ka-Pow! London Strength and Conditioning session. When there, I found them pretty difficult, and still find them difficult during normal sessions when they fall towards the end of an already difficult session. I do find them really useful though, and this article explains why they are so good.

Core session:
Plank (40s)
Plank with knees to elbows (15 reps each knee)
Side plank (30s each side)
Short rest
Squat jumps (30s)
Leg raise and pulse (15 reps)
Hand Walkouts (10 reps to good extension)
Crunchy Frogs (25 reps)
Short rest
Lunge jumps (30s)
Mason Twists (45s)
Skater Squats (10 reps @ 4kg)

I also managed to hit the gym three times this week. I completed session 1 on Thursday evening, session 2 on Saturday and a routine based around a combination of the Bear Cav core session and exercises from the other sessions on Sunday.

Thursday Gym:

Due to the fact that the gym I'm currently using has a max kettlebell weight of 10kg, after the first set of SLDLs I switched to a dumbell. Good session, but getting into the gym as late as I did on an empty stomach made it pretty difficult.

Warm up

Internal/External Shoulder Rotations (1*15 @ 8kg)
4 way hip stretching
SMR (Foam Rolling and Hockey Balling)

Main Session

1. Dumbell Snatch (3 * 5 / arm @ 16kg *increase*)
2. Yoga Bridge (3 * 10 deep breaths)
3.  Swiss Ball Plank (3 * 10 deep breaths *new*)

1. Single Leg Deadlifts (3 * 10 / leg @ 10kg (KB), 16kg (DB), 16kg(DB))
2. Dumbell Row (3 * 10 / arm @ 16kg *increase*)
3. Dead bug series (3 * 10 / leg / movement *increase*)

1. Rear foot elevated Split squats (3 * 10 / leg @ 32kg *increase*)
2. Single Leg Plate Hop + Stick (3 * 6 / leg)
3. Single Arm Kettlebell Curl to Overhead Press (3 * 5 / arm @ 10kg)

Warm Down

4 way hip stretching
Hamstring stretching

Saturday Gym:

Just did SLDLs with dumbells this time. Another good session!

Warm up

Medium pace short run
Internal/External Shoulder Rotations (1*15 @ 8kg)
4 way hip stretching
SMR (Foam Rolling and Hockey Balling)

1. Single arm Kettlebell swings (3 * 10 / arm @ 10kg)
2. Yoga Table (3 * 10 deep breaths)
3. Front Plank + Side Plank both sides (3 * 10 deep breaths / front and each side)

1. Single Leg Deadlifts (3 * 10 / leg @ 14kg)
2. Chin Ups (3 * 5)
3. Wide Leg Push up taps (3 * 10)

1. Skater squats (3 * 10 / leg @ 4kg)
2. Lateral Bound + Stick (3 * 6)
3. Single Arm Kettlebell Curl to Overhead Press (3 * 5 / arm @ 10kg)

Warm Down

4 way hip stretching
Hamstring stretching

With another canceled Winter League, I decided to hit the gym again on Sunday. I based it on the Bear Cav core session mixed with exercises from my regular sessions.

Sunday Gym:

Warm up

Medium paced short run
Internal/External Shoulder Rotations (1*15 @ 8kg)
4 way hip stretching
SMR (Foam Rolling and Hockey Balling)

Main Session

Plank (40s)
Plank with knees to elbows (15 reps each knee)
Side plank (30s each side)
Short rest
Squat jumps (30s)
Leg raise and pulse (15 reps)
Hand Walkouts (10 reps to good extension)
Crunchy Frogs (25 reps)
Short rest
Lunge jumps (30s)
Mason Twists (45s @ 4kg)
Skater Squats (10 reps @ 4kg)

Single arm Kettlebell swings (2 minutes 30 seconds, changing arm mid swing after 5 swings)
Pull ups (5 reps)

Warm Down

4 way hip stretching
Hamstring stretching

Monday, 3 February 2014

Last week (27th Jan – 2nd Feb)

Last week started well, I completed the Bear Cav Core session on Monday evening. I was going to do it on Tuesday as well but didn’t get round to it. I was also intending on going to the gym on Wednesday, but didn’t get home until late again, so ended up doing the Bear Cav core session I was intending to do on the Tuesday. I then did go to the gym on Thursday.
Core session:
Plank (40s)
Plank with knees to elbows (15 reps each knee)
Side plank (30s each side)
Short rest
Squat jumps (30s)
Leg raise and pulse (15 reps)
Hand Walkouts (10 reps to good extension)
Crunchy Frogs (25 reps)
Short rest
Lunge jumps (30s)
Mason Twists (45s)

Warm up
Medium pace short run
Internal/External Shoulder Rotations (1*15 @ 8kg)
4 way hip stretching
SMR (Foam Rolling and Hockey Balling)

Main Session

1. Single arm Kettlebell swings (3 * 10 / arm @ 10kg)
2. Yoga Table (3 * 10 deep breaths)
3. Front Plank + Side Plank both sides (3 * 10 deep breaths / front and each side)

1. Single Leg Deadlifts (3 * 10 / leg @ 10kg)
2. Chin Ups (3 * 5)
3. Wide Leg Push up taps (3 * 10)

1. Skater squats (3 * 10 / leg @ 4kg)
2. Lateral Bound + Stick (3 * 6)
3. Single Arm Kettlebell Curl to Overhead Press (3 * 5 / arm @ 10kg)

Warm Down
4 way hip stretching
Hamstring stretching

The big problem with the gym that I’m using for this month is that the heaviest Kettlebell they have is only 10kg...

I then went to Bear Cav training on Saturday. It was a tough session for me trying to get my head around the strategy they want to employ this year. The setup is a regular vertical stack formation, but their premise about where they want the disc to go and how they want to flow up the field took me some time to get my head around. Luckily, the drills had been designed to set up this movement/flow attack and by the end I thought I had my head around it. The elements were a little tough, but in general shouldn’t have been too problematic, but I felt a bit rusty. I feel a bit out of it at the moment with Winter Leagues being cancelled and not having the best access to the gym, and just generally working later and cycling less. Hitting the gym twice this week and will try to do the core sessions three times as well. Whilst I’ll hold out hope that Winter League this weekend isn’t cancelled, I’ll try and get a track/throwing session in if it is as well this week.

Monday, 27 January 2014

Last few weeks

Last weekend (18th – 19th Jan) was the first Ka-Pow! Trials for the 2014 squad! We had a great turnout and spent Saturday focussing on offense and Sunday focussing on Defense. I was part of the selection committee, and was participating in Saturday’s session, and assessing/making notes on Sunday. After Saturday, there were a definite few players I wanted to focus on during Sunday’s session (at both the higher and lower end of the trialists). The players who I was excited about at the top went on to consolidate their great Saturdays by playing well on the Sunday as well, but the players at the other end also went on to have good Sunday’s as well (in fact Sunday was a fantastic showcase where everyone at trials had a good day).
The assessors met up during this week and we went through the list, and everyone who was there should be receiving their feedback soon if they haven’t already.

On the fitness front, it turns out that I can’t get the free gym through work until I’ve finished my 6 month probation period...

I’ve been working and getting home late (my new job is 9-6) so I’ve been too lax with my fitness, but I’ve been really itching to get back into the gym so I’ve paid for a month’s membership at a gym near my flat. I went on Sunday, and to get my money’s worth (compared to paying per session) I need to go 6 more times before we move.
Last week I was able to get in one session of the Bear Cavalry core fitness plan on Monday evening.
Plank (40s)
Plank with knees to elbows (15 reps each knee)
Side plank (30s each side)
Short rest
Squat jumps (30s)
Leg raise and pulse (15 reps)
Hand Walkouts (10 reps to good extension)
Crunchy Frogs (25 reps)
Short rest
Lunge jumps (30s)
Mason Twists (45s)

It’s a good routine that I should have really done more of last week. I have factored it into this week more heavily.
I also went to the gym yesterday (26th Jan) and did my regular routine (session 1):
Warm up
Medium pace short run
Internal/External Shoulder Rotations (1*15 @ 8kg)
4 way hip stretching
SMR (Foam Rolling and Hockey Balling)

Main Session
1. Dumbell Snatch (3 * 5 / arm @ 15kg *increase*)
2. Yoga Bridge (3 * 10 deep breaths)
3.  Swiss Ball Rollouts (3 * 10)
1. Single Leg Deadlifts (3 * 10 / leg @ 12kg)
2. Dumbell Row (3 * 10 / arm @ 15kg *increase*)
3. Dead bug series (3 * 5 / leg / movement)
1. Rear foot elevated Split squats (3 * 10 / leg @ 30kg)
2. Single Leg Plate Hop + Stick (3 * 6 / leg)
3. Single Arm Kettlebell Curl to Overhead Press (3 * 5 / arm @ 12kg *new*)

Warm Down
4 way hip stretching
Hamstring stretching

Plan for this week is:
Monday = Core, Tuesday = Core, Wednesday = Gym, Thursday = Core, Friday = off, Saturday = Bear Cav training, Sunday = Winter League Mixed (if not called off).

Also been cycling to the station and back to get in a little more fitness, even if overall I’m a bit disappointed with myself.

Sunday, 12 January 2014

Christmas holidays

Since the last post I played some indoors at Surrey Slingfest (with Onside Flick, we came fifth) and then didn’t do anything for a complete two weeks. I hadn’t intended to have all that time off, but I had been pretty busy over it. Last weekend I went for a run to try and get back into fitness.

2 mile run followed by 3 sets of 5 pull ups on the bars in a local park, followed by half a mile run, 200m hill sprint and another mile run.
Thought it would have been tougher in terms of cardio than it was so was pleasantly surprised by that, but I absolutely hate running on concrete and my legs and back were pretty sore afterwards.

In other news, I started a new job on the 2nd. I haven’t been able to cycle there for a few reasons (don’t know the route, terrible weather, broken bike), but I do intend to in the future. This week I will cycle to and from the local station to get a bit of exercise in mid week. The other thing about my new job is that, even though a free gym membership is one of the benefits, the HR person hasn’t returned from their holiday and therefore I haven’t had it organised. Hopefully that will happen this week. However, I was able to find a deal on the internet for a free day’s trial at the local Fitness First gym. This suited me really well as it was a great gym with good facilities, but I didn’t really want to pay anything given that I will hopefully have a gym membership somewhere else before the end of the week.
I did a mashup of my two current regular sessions as I wanted to make the most of a free afternoon at the gym.
3 minute run
Internal/External Shoulder Rotations (1*15 @ 7.5kg)
4 way hip stretching
SMR (Foam Rolling and Hockey Balling)

Main Session

1. Single arm Kettlebell swings (3 * 10 / arm @ 15kg *increase*)
2. Yoga Table (3 * 10 deep breaths)
3. Front Plank + Side Plank both sides (3 * 6 deep breaths / front and each side)

1. Single Leg Deadlifts (3 * 10 / leg @ 15kg *increase*)
2. Chin Ups (3 * 5)
3. Wide Leg Push up taps (3 * 10)

1. Rear foot elevated Split squats (3 * 10 / leg @ 28kg)
2. Lateral Bound + Stick (3 * 6)
3. Single Arm Kettlebell Curl to Overhead Press (3 * 5  / arm @ 12kg)
1. Dumbell Row (3 * 10 / arm @ 14kg)
2. Swiss ball rollout (3 *10)
3. Dumbell Snatch (3 *5 / arm @ 14kg)

Warm Down

4 way hip stretching
Hamstring stretching

As I said, hopefully before the end of the week I will be the member of a gym again (I actually missed going to the gym…) and then next Saturday/Sunday is the first of the Ka-Pow! Trials for the 2014 squad which should be awesome!