Thursday, 2 August 2012

Thursday Yoga

On Tuesday I felt a slight strain in my throwing shoulder. I went to training anyway and felt ok throughout, but my throwing shoulder continued to ache through Wednesday, was going to go to the gym but didn't want to chance it with Regionals this weekend.
Just did 3 miles cycling on Wednesday.
Today, my shoulder felt a lot better and so I went to Yoga over lunch.
Again another focus on balance work with some other muscle strengthening exercises. One of the interesting things I've found about Yoga is that some simple seeming flexes in muscles or holding various positions are a lot harder than I would have thought. For example:
- holding your arms at shoulder height, with palms facing forward hold for 30 seconds
- move your arms straight above your head with palms in the same position (now facing upwards), hold for 20 seconds
- rotate your wrists so that the palms are still facing upwards but the fingertips are facing to either side, hold for 20 seconds
- move your arms back to straight in front of you with palms in the same position, hold for 20 seconds
- rotate your wrists so that the palms are still facing forwards but the fingertips are facing down to the floor, hold for 20 seconds
- finish by stretching the muscles just been exercised by putting your fingertips on your thighs, palms facing forward and pushing down aiming to flatten the palms against the thighs.

It's a pretty tough exercise, but is essentially straightening your arms and bending the wrists.

Will also do 3 miles cycling today and tomorrow. Not going to the gym tomorrow so will not be in the gym at all this week. Will get back to the gym next week after regionals with the build up to Nationals in full swing.
Regional previews coming tomorrow.

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