Sunday 26 February 2012

Sunday fitness

So, I missed the first ever Herdlodge :-(
I got back on Sunday and thought that to avoid it being 4 days without fitness I would do something on Sunday afternoon. My session is shown below:
1.7 mile run (with 2 * 1 lb wrist weights, untimed)
lateral pulldowns in following reps with 20 seconds rest between sets:
10, 20, 10 reps supinated wide
10, 20, 10 reps pronated wide
10, 20, 10 reps supinated narrow
10, 20, 10 reps pronated narrow
10, 5 reps one handed right wide
10, 5 reps one handed left wide
10, 5 reps one handed right narrow
10, 5 reps one handed left narrow
0.8 mile run (with 2 * 1 lb wrist weights, untimed)
10 two footed depth jumps
10 single footed depth jumps on each foot

and finally, in honour of the NFL combine this weekend

10 * 40 yard dash (with wrist weights, untimed, 5 pushing off left foot, 5 pushing off right)

Was a good workout, but wish I could have been at Herdlodge. Looking forward to some actual competitive disc time tomorrow at Wessex pickup. This means my weekly gym session will be on Wednesday this week with my 3 mile run on Tuesday and track on Thursday!

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