I play competitive ultimate in the UK for: Ka-Pow! (Open) and Bear Cavalry (Mixed) This blog will be logging my fitness and practices this season and beyond as well as previews and retrospectives on tournaments I play.
Thursday, 29 March 2012
3 Mile run
3 Mile run time: 21 minutes 2 seconds
Will be cycling 2 miles back from offices to Waterloo station again this afternoon.
I am probably going to be doing Body Pump on Monday in the gym in our offices. Anyone with any experience of this let me know in the comments. Kind of looking forward to it after having a quick Google, but nervous as it will be my first go at it.
Circuits Tuesday and Yoga Thursdays as well in the Gym classes.
Wednesday, 28 March 2012
Gym and last few days
Gym tonight:
5 minute cycle warm up
3 * 10 Bench Press 42.5kg
3 * 5 back squats 55kg
3 * 10 push ups
3 * 10 lunges 20kg
3 * 10 leg press 90kg
3 * 20 bicep curl (10 reps of 8 kg per arm)
3 * 20 dumbell lateral raises (10 reps of 4kg per arm)
3 * 20 dumbell front raises (10 reps of 4 kg per arm)
3 * 20 dumbell upright row (10 reps of 4 kg per arm)
warm down
Tomorrow will do my 3 mile run in the Gym in my new office and Friday will do something in the Gym as well.
Monday, 26 March 2012
Mixed Tour 1
Friday, 23 March 2012
Some light fitness today as a pre-Mixed Tour warmup
2.0 miles there, 1.8 miles back and I will be cycling back from the office to Waterloo this evening which is another 2.0 miles.
In the glorious sunshine at a leisurely pace I see that as a warmup for this weekend.
Let's go Herd!
Thursday, 22 March 2012
My psych up playlist
Here it is in alphabetical order by track name:
Tuesday, 20 March 2012
Easy run
2.5 mile run, no wrist weights 18 mins 45 seconds
3 * 40 lat pull downs (like usual)
easy 0.3 mile warm down
Felt good and shins were fine after.
Looking forward to the weekend!
Monday, 19 March 2012
Gym tonight
3 * 10 Bench Press 42.5kg
3 * 5 back squats 55kg
3 * 10 push ups
3 * 10 lunges 20kg
3 * 10 leg press 90kg
3 * 20 bicep curl (10 reps of 10 kg per arm)
3 * 20 dumbell lateral raises (10 reps of 4kg per arm)
3 * 10 back hand frisbee movements holding 2.5 kg bar bell weights with a moderate pivot (5 right handed and 5 left handed backhand movements)
warm down
Felt really good, only thing was ab muscles felt a bit tight on the push ups. They've been feeling a little tights since the pull ups after track last week. No pain, no gain but wasn't anything serious.
Chocolate milk to recover.
Sunday, 18 March 2012
Weekend Training
Good training before Mixed Tour 1. Ran through the plays one last time and had a 1st team O vs D team game before a 1st vs 2nd team game. Feeling good for Tour next weekend, especially since we will have the whole squad together. Looking forward to seeing the schedule.
Sunday- Ka-pow!
Another good training running through tactics/plays. Seeing as our offense is very reactive with set orders of cutters rather than plays and it was new to everyone it took a while to get heads around it. Was a good training, just a shame it wasn't as well attended as last week.
Thursday, 15 March 2012
You know you're getting addicted to fitness when....
- Cheap gym inside the new offices
- Cheap fitness classes offered at the new gym (£5 per month for unlimited classes including circuits, yoga etc)
- Showers in the new offices allowing me the option of running/cycling to work
- Closer to Battersea track
Wednesday, 14 March 2012
Just myself at the track tonight.
1200m warmup gradually increasing speed (400m light jog, 400m 50%, 400m 60%)
8 * 50m sprints (decreasing recovery time: first 3: 3 minutes, next 2: 2 minutes, last 2: 1 minute)
400m warm down
Then used the outdoor fitness equipment at Battersea track to do
3 * max pull up with 20 seconds rest between (8, 7, 5)
Definitely feeling the benefits of all this.
Tuesday, 13 March 2012
Tonight's fitness
2.7 miles run (18 minutes) with 2 * 1 lb wrist weights
5 * 40 lat pull downs (10 supinated wide, 10 supinated narrow, 10 pronated wide, 10 pronated narrow)
0.5 mile warm down
Good workout. Over 3 miles in total but broke it down due to where in the route I got to the park outdoor gym equipment. Did 5 sets of the 40 lat pulldowns instead of 3.
Felt good afterwards!
Monday, 12 March 2012
5 minute cycle warmup
3 * 10 bench press 42.5 kg
3 * 5 squat 55 kg
3 * 10 push ups
3 * 10 lunges 16 kg
3 * 10 leg press 90 kg
3 * 10 lat pull down 40 kg
wrist exercises with 2.5kg
2 minute warm down run
Next week will add in deadlifts.
The weekend! (feeling tired now)
Herd Saturday
I felt I had a good training... the first as a whole did not. The weather was lovely and after a good warm up and a quick huck drill we moved on to a first to 5 points game against the seconds.
The firsts went down 3-0 before bringing it back to win 5-4 but it was close and the seconds had it on our endzone line forcing us to make a big block. I thought this would wake everyone up, but, after another drill (I forget what we were working on) we went into a full practice game and lost.
Our trouble was that the seconds were playing really well and utilising their main big player (Cian). He was being isolated in the middle of the field (usually from a horizontal or split stack setup) and either scored off a long pass or received it under (usually on the break side) and putting it long to someone else. The problem was the firsts deep defense was very poor.
The firsts were missing quite a few players including a large part of our female contingent and we weren't sticking to our Offense/Defense lines. But, regardless, the first team was not on form. This is especially distressing since it's 2 weeks until the first major tournament of the year (mixed tour 1) and the fact that some teams will definitely be playing this way against us, using a big player but with everyone on the team able to make big plays deep, Bear Cavalry spring to mind.
Next week is our final practice and I know we'll go into it hard looking to make it a big practice before Mixed tour 1 and I am still confident of our chances this year.
Saturday Night: does dancing until 4 a.m count as fitness? It certainly left me tired enough to be falling asleep in the taxi afterwards.
Ka-Pow Sunday
Only a slight hangover which wasn't enough to limit my speed, awareness or decision making. Lucky me.
Great training in great weather again. Had a large part of the full squad this weekend which definitely made a change. Ran the same mid length huck drill that we ran last week as well as an agility/reactions drill. We had plenty of game time and also walked through some of the situations that could present themselves as part of the offensive gameplan. Then saw the mockups of the sweet looking kit and heard about all the awesome swagalicious merch we could be getting to go along with it. My wants in order of priority for swag mentioned at training:
1. Tracky bottoms: love trackies, would wear them all the time...if they were allowed at work
2. Warm up zippies/hoodies: to go with the trackies
3. Caps: Need a new cap and the logo would work well
4. Baselayers: was mentioned as possibilities for Spiderman outfit style baselayers.
5. Stickers: For covering water bottles/discs etc
6. Rub on tattoos: great for the parties
7. Banners/Flags: more teams need flags
8. Mugs: got a lot but would love one
9. Business cards: Scoring on someone followed by handing them a business card "Ka-pow!"
10. Tents/Marquees: getting a bit tenuous here
11. Y-fronts with Ka-pow written around the elastic: hmm...
12. Condoms: I'll just leave this here...
Not mentioned, but I would love this swag:
1. Discs: seems a bit strange they were not mentioned
2. Sweat bands: I like a good sweat band
3. Converse/Skate shoes: with Ka-pow laces as well
More DIY to finish sunday, again aching shoulders so gonna count it as fitness :-)
Friday, 9 March 2012
Skunks Ultimate!

Wednesday, 7 March 2012
Track tonight
12 * 50 m sprints with 3 minute rest between. We ran consistent times but we didn't time them.
Then 400m warm down.
Sat on the train home for an hour and ten minutes then, because I was still in my running gear and I saw no reason not to, I ran home from the station.
0.9 miles including a couple of stair sets with my rucksack which I imagine was about 6kg. Took me 8 minutes 35 seconds.
My thoughts on the UKU Mixed Nationals
UKUltimate yesterday announced the format for this seasons UKUNationals tournament structure. See http://www.ukultimate.com/story/uku_nationals_2012
Tuesday, 6 March 2012
3 mile run workout
Finished at the park gym equipment again and did my regular lat pull down using them (see other posts for details).
Then finished with an untimed 0.5 mile jogging warm down.
Track tomorrow
Tuesday gym session
5 minute cycle to warm up followed by light stretching
3 * 10 bench press (40kg)
3 * 5 Back Squat (50kg)
3 * 10 Lunges (16kg)
3 * 10 Push ups
3 * 10 lat Pull downs (40 kg)
3 * 10 dumbell lateral raises (5kg in each hand)
3 * 10 leg press (70 kg)
warm down
Chocolate milk
Monday, 5 March 2012
Weekend training
So, missing first team players and lots of second team players at this one. This meant drills were mixed first/second team players. We were focusing on dumping and swinging the disc, which is a fundamental that was exposed a bit at points in the previous few trainings. The drills we ran had been run at herdlodge last weekend as well so it was good for people to go over it again. The game at the end was tough as the second team had about 16-18 players to the first teams 11 (then 10, then 9) as people kept needing to leave early. I felt really good during the game, playing most of the points, and chasing in the zone for quite a few of them. I really think this fitness is paying off. Our zone was looking pretty strong for most of the game with the heavy wind, but got broken a couple of times towards the end. Our offense was rocking for most of the game too. Just a bit of a shame the numbers were so low.
Ka-pow!- Sunday
So with Saturday being really windy, training still went really well with everyone feeling good in the sunshine.
Sunday was another story though, heavy rain and heavy wind meant low numbers and low moral. The drills were hard with fitness and throwing skills in the first, then moving on to hell box (4 on 4 in a small space focusing on keeping possession on offense and body/feet positioning on defense. We then moved on to a mid length throwing drill looking to hit a player in stride in the back corner of the end zone.
The final drill we did was training one of the option plays we will be using in our roles based offense. The drill itself was good and people were putting in the effort but with tiredness, cold muscles and the wind and rain the completion rate just plummeted so we warmed down by heading to Starbucks for a coffee and a panini.
Even with the low turnout and poor weather conditions, I am really enjoying Ka-pow trainings and feel like I am being pushed into learning new things and this along with all the fitness I'm doing is making me feel really good about my play at the moment.
I finished off Sunday with the construction of mine and Anna's new sofa bed which made my shoulder ache so I'm counting it as more fitness ;-)
Thursday, 1 March 2012
Thursday track@ Battersea
Track tonight was pretty tough. Mixed in some Plios with it too.
800m warmup
5 * 100m sprints. (14s, 14s, 14s, 15s, 16s)
Plios: 3 * 5m (small jumps off toes, high skips, bunny hops)
5 * 100m sprints (14s, 15s, 14s, 16s, 14s)
Was tough and felt a bit sick at times but got through it and was great having Riley to race against, really pushed me. Don't think I'llbe doing anything tomorrow, need a rest before training this weekend.